FDI, PPP, Privatization

Using our practical experience of investment promotion and investor relations, Reformatics helps its clients to set medium and long-term priorities, design clear and actionable investment attraction policies, streamline investment relations procedures and practices, and promote reform agendas at economy-wide and sectoral levels.
Our advice includes measures related to FDI, public-private partnerships as a method of FDI attraction and privatization as a way of promoting and facilitating inward FDI. 
The aim of our tailor-made services is to attract, retain and link FDI efficiently with the domestic economy. We advise clients on the design of investment promotion policies and the planning of investment attraction measures, including the branding of countries as investment-friendly destinations as well as developing targeted, sectoral and single investor-oriented approaches aimed at increasing the inflow of FDI.
Our consultants provide high-quality advisory services thanks to Reformatics’ detailed understanding of the complexities involved in transactions, financing and policy in public-private partnerships (PPP). Aiming to offer high-end advisory services to our clients, we design PPP frameworks, ranging from advising on how to raise funds for projects to procuring private sector partners for public sector clients. In collaboration with our partners, we deliver outstanding solutions for a wide variety of projects such as funding for building or upgrading road or railway transport networks or for the modernization or construction of housing, educational institutions and hospitals.
The advice we provide in this area also focuses on increasing the efficiency of privatization processes through a range of procedural and legal measures, with the ultimate goal of privatizing state-owned assets in a sustainable manner while at the same time maximizing revenue.

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